A Spudtacular Fair in 2025!

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Hours & Directions

1633 Neva Rd.
Antigo WI 54409
Hours vary by day. See events page for complete details.

Parking for fair:
Traveling North on Hwy 45. Right turn only onto Artic St (by LED Fairground sign) into the grounds or Right turn onto Kelly St (by Pomps Tire). Once on Kelly St. proceed to the end of the street, watch for parking attendants.
Traveling South on Hwy 45. Left turn onto Kelly St (by Pomps Tire). Once on Kelly St. proceed to the end of the street. Watch for Parking attendants. It is recommended not to enter on Artic St. (by LED Fairground sign) when traveling south on Hwy 45. Cross traffic can be hazardous.
Parking for entertainers, vendors, exhibitors and handicap
Hwy 45 to North Ave. This gate is for exhibitors, vendors, handicap, and entertainers.
Race Pit Entrance.
Must enter off of Hwy 64 East, South onto Charlotte St left turn onto North Ave. Pit entrance is on the right side of North Ave. North Ave is closed from Hwy 45 to Charlotte St. The pits cannot be accessed off of Hwy 45.

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