Heroes Galore in 2024!

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Judges Confirmation


This form is for Judges who have received an invitation to judge from our fair.
This is not a form to complete if you want to be considered a judge. If you wish to be considered, please send your information to info@langladecountyfair.net.
All information must be checked or filled out on this page before it will submit your response.

Do you accept the judges invitation?

The Langlade County Fair will pay the fee listed in your invitation letter plus mileage at a rate of 45 cents per mile round trip. Your address will be Google mapped and mileage will be included with your compensation check.

Your role as a judge is to assist in making your respective department as great an educational experience as is possible. Make sure that your audience is encouraged to ask questions should they have any .Learning occurs best in an atmosphere of warmth and acceptance.

If you agree to judge at the Langlade County Fair, understand your assignments, rate of pay, and that mileage is based on google maps, please check the box that you agree to the terms.

Thank you and we look forward to working with you this year at the Langlade County Fair.
I agree to the terms and conditions

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